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Biblical World View Training: 

 It all starts with the Bible.

In order to make an impact in culture, we must first submit ourselves to the clear teaching of Scripture and acknowledge its authority to dictate every area of our lives. In this course, we will focus on four specific areas that are under attack.


Activate is an in-depth educational worldview training course designed to provide Christians with biblical teaching on the core issues AFA addresses each day, such as sanctity of human life, marriage and family, religious liberty, and stewardship. But it’s not enough for Christians to just educate themselves on these issues. We must also be willing to act on them

Here is the topics for the fall:
9/11 Unit 1 Session 1: The War Against Biblical Authority

9/18 Unit 1 Session 2: A Case for Christian Activism

9/25 Unit 1 Wrap-up Discussion

10/2 Unit 2 Session 1: The Essential Prolife Argument

10/9 Unit 2 Session 2: Five Bad Ways People Argue About Abortion

10/16 Unit 2 Session 3: Answering the Hard Question

10/23 Unit 2 Session 4: God's Provision in Suffering

10/30 Unit 2 Session 5: Practical Ways to Stand for Life

11/6 Unit 2 Special Speaker - Sarah Bowen - Executive Director of Promise Of Life Network.

11/13 Unit 2 Session 6: Legislating Life

11/20 Unit 2 Wrap-up Discussion

Dinner will be provided each night and will begin promptly at 6:00 p.m. Classes are from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. 
Dinner for Sept. 11 is Pasta, Salad, and Hot Garlic Bread.